Protege Management

Leadership Training & Development

As the world of business is changing dramatically, leadership development is important for various reasons. One of the most important reasons is that leadership development practices are associated with people performance in the organisation. Our findings indicated that effective leadership development enables organisation in achieving and sustaining competitive advantages. There is almost no limit to the potential of an organisation that recruits good people, raises them up as leaders and continually develops them.

The most successful organisations are those who put the right strategies, structures, and processes into place to develop, engage, and evaluate their talent on an ongoing basis’s. These organisations are proactive and forward-thinking, and are committed to strengthening their leaders not only for short-term impact, but to prepare for future opportunities, and ultimately, for succession planning.

Similarly evidence shows that ineffective or poor leadership development leads to employee dissatisfaction and in turn leads to high absenteeism, low productivity, increase in conflicts among employees. The leadership management skills required to stay competitive today is very different from those of a generation ago, and those skills are likely to change dramatically over the next generation. Developing leaders from within is significance in driving change in today’s challenging and highly competitive business environment.

In the struggle to ‘‘think global and act local’’ Protégé Management offers bespoke workplace leadership training and development programs to better help employees acquire new skills, sharpen existing ones, perform better, increase productivity and be better leaders.

Service Offerings

Formal bespoke courses and services for the C-suite, middle executives, high-performers, and first-level leaders.

Environmental briefing regarding geography, climate, housing and schools.

Cultural orientation designed to familiarise leaders with cultural institutions and value systems of host company’s.

Cultural assimilations to provide employees with inter-cultural encounters.

Language training.

Sensitivity training to help develop attitudinal flexibility.

Emotional stress training.

Protégé Management

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