Protege Management

About Us

Protégé Management is a premier boutique Executive Search and a Human Capital Advisory organisation. Protégé Management offers both national and multinational companies bespoke people management products and services across diverse sectors to help executive solve their most challenging leadership problems with utmost trust and confidence in line with internationally global best practices either as one-off or on a retained agreement. As a brand ambassador to organisations, we understand our firm clients’ investment must translate to tangible improvements in human capital and corporate growth. This means assisting our clients’ source and develops talented teams that run at full potential.

The scale of our knowledge across the executive leadership ecosystem has seen us accomplish some of the most challenging leadership assignments with confidence on behalf of our firm clients across various industries. We pride ourselves with two strategic teams; ‘‘The Growth and Sustainable Team’’. The both teams are made up of our highly experienced professionals with diverse industry backgrounds traversing both national and international geographies.

Our professionals have the ability to effectively and efficiently identify, attract, and hire the most talented candidates from around the world who is not actively seeking for a new role across culturally diverse regions. Every of our assignments are bespoke to clients’ needs, fast, targeted at the most experienced and efficient candidates. We pride ourselves on our firm client’s and candidates confidentially while ensuring communication remains up-to-date at every step of on the way by updating client’s with weekly detailed report.

Vision Statement

To help businesses achieve organic growth through our bespoke services.

Mission Statement

To maximise our resources connected by our singular commitment in delivering on client’s needs.

How We Work

We scrutinize every project and select a member of experienced team members and associates to handle it. Our approach first is to formulate a principle about what we suggest the answer would be by stating the innermost problem. We then divide the problems into minor questions that will encourage us prove or reject our principle. To reply these questions, we produce work streams-separate pieces of the assignment that a team specialist is accountable for. Our services are motivated by an unfathomable understanding of our firm clients’ as we encourage organisations to choose without doubt in mind what we do. We try as much as possible to collaborate with our firm clients by helping them to mitigate risks and grasp opportunities.


Core Values

At Protégé Management, we are driven by our four words core values’ ‘‘TIME’’.



We scrutinize every project and select a member of experienced team members and associates to handle it.



Everything we say and everything we do are true reflections of what we value.



We are stimulated by our intrinsic understanding of our services to deliver on clients’ needs with a view to achieving strategic objectives.



Our products and services are bespoke on the premise that our clients’ investment must translate to tangible improvements in human capital and corporate growths.

Global Network

Global Executive Search Network (GESN) is a network of independent consulting firms that operates in over 61+ countries globally. The aim of GESN is to build business collaborations amongst members across the continents of the world. The aim of GESN is to.

  1. Provide maximum business opportunities amongst GESN members.
  2. Support and help advance our diversity and inclusion and, individual firm’s goals.
  3. Connect with diverse global talent pool of candidates through network partners to advance our global reach and search of talents.
  4. Provide an atmosphere for association, inclusion and comradeship among network group members.
  5. Share knowledge and best practices.

Protégé Management

We provide inimitable experiences with our wide spectrum of products and services. Your projects always count!

Abuja: +234 908 235 6696

Lagos: +234 805 241 7549

Accra: +233 2446 24519

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